Best of Shareware
Best of PC Windows Shareware 1.0 - Wayzata Technology (7111) (1993).iso
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Welcome to PC-ECAP
Version 2.10
Revision History
Version 2.10 - 11/09/92
Now handles circuits with up to 90 nodes. Added option to
print only circuit description and graphs. Negative
inductor values are now accepted. Changed listing format
for frequencies of 10 GHz and above. Added network (LAN)
support. Fixed "border flash" when switching from graphics
to text mode on some CGA cards. Added table of contents to
Version 2.01 - 2/03/92
Improved syntax checking on the circuit description files.
More input errors are spotted and flagged.
Version 2.00 - 10/14/91
Added group delay, impedance, VSWR and return loss
calculations. Now has full support for 24 pin printers.
Now supports HP LaserJet. Editor has been enhanced.
Analysis routine is now twice as fast as previous versions.
Added AT&T and MCGA support. Added support for a math
coprocessor. European format for element values now
accepted. Improved error checking on circuit description
files. International time and date on printouts now
supported. Numbers are now stored in IEEE binary format.
No longer supports "non-compatible" video. Now requires
384K of system memory.
Version 1.11 - 11/23/90
Added the filename to the headers and plot sheet of the
printout. Negative resistance values are now accepted.
Fixed bug in hard copy plotting routine - plot would display
spurious points if the plot exceeded the maximum range.
Fixed bug in analysis routine; Occasionally, a circuit with
a very wide range of reactive component values could create
an internal numeric overflow.
Version 1.10 - 9/14/90
Added the option of 35 sample points to the select number of
sample points menu. Greatly increased the number of plot
ranges available when displaying results. Magnitude now
spans .1 db/div to 80 db/div and Phase now spans 22.5
degrees/div to 720 degrees/div.
Version 1.02 - 1/30/90
First release widely distributed.